Perl image exiftool date modified
Perl image exiftool date modified

To change the title and author information of a PDF document: $ exiftool -Title="This is the title" -Author="Dan Nanni" input.pdf To view all metadata in a picture: $ exiftool input.jpgįile Modification Date/Time : 2013:08:27 17:00:28-04:00Įxif Byte Order : Little-endian (Intel, II) Photoshop IRB r/w/c | JPEG 2000 r | APE r MakerNotes r/w/c | PhotoMechanic r/w | Stim r IPTC r/w/c | Kodak Meta r/w | Adobe APP14 r Supported metadata standards and types: -+-+. Supported file types: -+-+-+-+-ģFR r | DVB r | M4A/V r | PBM r/w | RWL r/wģG2 r | DYLIB r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | RWZ rģGP r | EIP r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | RM rĪFM r | ERF r/w | MKA r | PFB r | SR2 r/wĪIFF r | EXIF r/w/c | MKV r | PGF r | SRW r/wĪPE r | F4A/V r | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | SVG rĪRW r/w | FLA r | MOS r/w | PICT r | SWF rĪVI r | FLV r | MP3 r | PNG r/w | TIFF r/wĬOS r | GZ r | MPG r | PPTX r | VRD r/w/cĬR2 r/w | HDP r/w | MPO r/w | PS r/w | VSD rĬRW r/w | HTML r | MQV r | PSB r/w | WAV rĬS1 r/w | ICC r/w/c | MRW r/w | PSD r/w | WDP r/wĭCP r/w | IND r/w | NEF r/w | QTIF r | WEBM rĭFONT r | JNG r/w | NUMBERS r | RAF r/w | WMV rĭIVX r | JP2 r/w | ODP r | RAM r | X3F r/wĭJVU r | JPEG r/w | ODS r | RAR r | XCF rĭNG r/w | KDC r | OGG r | RIFF r | XLSX rĭOC r | KEY r | ORF r/w | RSRC r | XMP r/w/c To install ExifTool on CentOS or RHEL, first enable EPEL repository, and then run: $ sudo yum install perl-Image-ExifToolīelow is a list of file types and metadata currently supported by ExifTool ( r = read, w = write, c = create). To install ExifTool on Fedora: $ sudo yum install perl-Image-ExifTool To install ExifTool on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint: $ sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl No other library or software is required. Install ExifTool on LinuxĮxifTool requires Perl 5.004 or later. In this tutorial, I will describe how to view or edit metadata in PDF documents or digital pictures from the command line on Linux with ExifTool. It is available on Linux, Windows or MacOS X. ExifTool is a powerful command-line utility that can read or write meta information in a file. Unless you want to strip off the metadata from images or documents for your privacy, there are various tools that allow you to selectively edit the metadata in digital photos or PDF documents. PDF documents also have its own set of metadata associated with them to identify author, title, date, etc.

perl image exiftool date modified

The metadata is automatically written by digital cameras, or manually added by photographers or photo editing software, to show various properties (e.g., creator, camera info, location) of a particular picture.

perl image exiftool date modified

Typical digital images or photos have a rich set of metadata embedded in them. How to view or edit PDF/image metadata from command line on Linux

Perl image exiftool date modified